Check out this gorgeous senior from Western High School! Cheyenne is my Western representative and had an awesome shoot last night! Rockin' the heels! This look is what Cheyenne is all about. :) Cheyenne, thanks so much for representing my biz! Western HS should be proud to be graduating someone like you!
For more information about Picture This Photography and your personal senior session, ask Cheyenne, and go to this link!
Kimmy is my senior model from Springport High School. She came with lots of her own fun ideas and had an awesome session!
This is the first time I have done a crazy special like this! Pay one price, there's no catch! Just add MI 6% Sales Tax. Picture This Photography - Photos by Paige Miller: High School Senior Photographer; Class of 2014; Class of 2015
Michigan Senior Photographer, Picture This Photography
What a blast! These girls were so much fun! They are 2014 Seniors from Western High School! Kimmy - Senior ModelI thought I would try something new, and now I'm POSITIVE it's going to happen again! I had one of my senior models for the Class of 2014 invite some girls over for a Senior Picture Party! Why not help her get a few referrals, and kick off my senior season at the same time?! I think everyone had a pretty good time! Check out the gorgeous ladies below! Most likely, you know how a gift registry works! Couples planning to be married or expecting a baby go to the store and scan all the stuff they want, so people know what to buy them as gifts. Why not register for your portraits, too? Custom photography is a luxury item that many people find it difficult to budget for. When your friends and family give you gift certificates from your portrait registry, you build credits towards custom photography you will love! You can even register for your senior pictures or any other type of session!
To register with Picture This Photography, simply fill out the form on the registry website (click here). A private website will be created for you, so your friends and family can go directly to your registry page. Or...give a gift certificate towards portraits even if someone is not registered! Picture This Photography, Michigan Custom Photographer SHS Graduation Picture Order Form I've only gotten one pre-order so I am extending the $5 off through the day of graduation. Print this and bring it Sunday. There will also be some forms available at graduation. ![]()
Michigan Senior Photographer, Picture This Photography. I really enjoyed spending the day with Morgan and her parents for her Senior Model session! Morgan is beautiful and so sweet! Michigan senior photographer Picture This Photography is located in Springport, MI and will come to you, anywhere in Jackson County, Eaton County, Calhoun County. Travel fees may apply for farther distances.
Your photographer, Paige Miller, is married, with a beautiful 2 1/2 year old, and is a third grade teacher full-time! Well, as the title states, it is SPRING BREAK! Unfortunately it is almost over. It has not been much of a break, but I won't complain! :) So far this week I have potty trained my daughter and had two successful senior shoots for some 2012 seniors who put off getting their pictures taken until almost the last minute. :) Trenton and Eston were great! Here they are!
September 2015